Anyone that has an ostomy knows what an absolute pain it is to have to deal with a leaky ostomy pouch. A leaky ostomy pouch can mean several things for the afflicted person; the first problem with a leaky ostomy pouch is that you have to deal with the potential spillage of your stoma output getting all over the place. Finding some of your released stoma output all over your clothes, house, furniture, or car will surely ruin your day. In fact, I can say with full confidence that my day has been ruined one too many times by my stoma output getting everywhere. Another problem that can happen with a leaky ostomy pouch is that odor will begin to seep out of the ostomy pouch and into the air that surrounds you. At surface level you may think that this is not a super big deal, since everyone deals with a little bit of gas here and there. However, it is important to bring up the fact that people with ostomies cannot control when the gas is released out of the stoma, making it much more noticeable in the event that you find yourself in some sort of social setting while dealing with a lot of ostomy gas. Also, ostomy gas is probably the worst smelling type of bodily gas that you could ever find the displeasure of smelling. All that to say, leaky ostomy pouches are a huge issue for those of us that are unfortunate enough to have to live the rest of our miserable lives with a stoma and ostomy pouch.
So if you are looking for ways to help prevent or fix your leaky ostomy pouch, then you have come to the right place. In fact, I happen to know a lot about ostomy pouches and how to avoid experiencing leakage out of your ostomy system. The first thing that I want to bring up is the type of wafer that you may be using in your ostomy pouch system. If you are unaware of the term wafer, it is the small piece that sits between the ostomy pouch and the stoma, sort of like a barrier between the two that directs the flow of your stoma output.
You may be surprised to know that there are actually a lot of different types of wafers available for purchase on the market, which means that you need to find the wafer that is right for you. If you end up using the wrong type of wafer that does not pair well with your specific needs, then you may find yourself experiencing some ostomy leakage. Another thing to keep in mind is that not all ostomy pouches are created equal - it may be that your ostomy pouch is leaking simply because it is very low quality and not worthy of your time. If this is the case, I highly suggest that you spend some time researching the best brands and types of ostomy pouches for your specific needs.
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